Delaying aging through play

Gone are the days of generic aerobics and bad-for-the-knees treadmills. With things like FitKey, CrossFit, Krav Maga, and Hot Yoga, to name a few, exercise has become much more adventurous. However, we’re not here to talk about young buffs and bikini babes. We’re talking old dogs learning new tricks.

Ageless Grace was founded on the idea that neuroplasticity can help fend off aging symptoms. Scientists believe the firing of neurons in your brain works in favour of delaying aging and the best way to fire them up is through playing. So they combined science and fun to create this new form of exercise.

“It’s about being playful while doing exercises,” said Deborah Nicholls, an instructor and trainer at Ageless Grace’s Cape Town branch in Pinelands.

From the comfort of a chair, the exercise methods of Ageless Grace focus on natural movements for longevity of both body and mind. Your brain and core strength are challenged each time you exercise in this way.

Although the programme concentrates on slowing the aging process, its developmental impact can benefit all ages.

“Let’s change the model of ageing. Let’s do something for these people so that they can stay usefully functional,” said Nicholls.


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