Shincheonji Church Membership Rises by 20,000 as Believers Worship From Home

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, has enjoyed a remarkable surge in its membership this year even as the global pandemic continued to restrict physical gatherings and Christians...

Flashback: the emotional journey of refugees, asylum seekers

In light of World Refugee Day and this year's theme of #StepWithRefugees, we spoke to the Head of Advocacy at Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town regarding refugees long walk to peace and safety. With the...

10 Tips for a Healthy Start to the New Year

The start of a new year is often a time for reflection and goal-setting. It’s an opportunity to make positive changes in our lives and strive for self-improvement. One area that many people choose...

Dear, FutureMe

We’ve all wondered what we’d say to our past selves if given the chance. With FutureMe, you can now say everything you need to your future self, sending messages that will arrive...

Putting Down the Weight: Letting Go of Grudges

"To be angry is to let another's mistake punish you."  - Unknown Carrying grudges is akin to bearing heavy weights that only serve to burden our...

Never give up – Yusuf Price’s story

Watch our interview with Yusuf Price about his inspiring journey of recovery and determination. For the full interview click here.

Hero of the Week: Soraya Salie

The brightness of her smile rivaled her yellow sari as she walked towards us. It is the color of peace we were told, exactly what Soraya Salie stands for.  “I think the time has come...

Mommy Mentor

Being a mother is the most rewarding and equally challenging role that any human could fulfill. Sure, being a president of a country and looking after the livelihood of millions of people has its...

Dreams coming true for opera-singing Uber driver

From entertaining a passenger with opera to having a life-long passion fulfilled on a grand stage, Menzi Mngoma's dream might just come true. Mngoma (27), a Durban Uber driver, will have the opportunity to audition...

Silver Linings of Covid Series – the Senegalese professor who stunned his class and...

The year 2021 was riddled with bad news - an encore of the Coronavirus pandemic, Afghanistan war games with the Taliban, economic crises in multiple countries and many more stories that cast a shadow...