Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day

[image: Menstrual Hygiene Day - Global/ Facebook]

May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day), a day that aims “to create a world in which every woman and girl is empowered to manage her menstruation safely, hygienically, with confidence and without shame, where no woman or girl is limited by something as natural and normal as her period.”

MH Day has become a platform to advocate for and promote good menstrual hygiene management, and to encourage the powers that be at global, national and local levels to make this a priority.

The German NPO WASH United established MH Day in 2013. Its impact has grown exponentially over the years. Last year was the most successful:

  • 503 events in 71 countries (up from 350 MH activities in 54 countries in 2017 and 180 activities in 34 countries in 2016), including educational events in schools, community rallies and concerts to raise awareness, advocacy workshops with governments, product donations and many more.
  • More than 650 articles and reports in key international and national online media and TV
  • More than 45,000 contributions and more than 700,000 interactions on social media
  • More than 130 million people reached with positive messaging about menstruation and MHM.[Source: Menstrual Hygiene day]


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