The A-Positive Blood Type Diet: An In-Depth Look

Imagine a diet tailored not just to your personal preferences or fitness goals but to the very blood coursing through your veins. The concept of a blood type diet might sound peculiar, perhaps something you’ve never considered amidst the myriad of evolving dietary trends. From keto to intermittent fasting, our understanding of nutrition continues to transform, with each new plan promising better health and vitality. But could it be that the secret to optimal health lies in something as intrinsic as our blood type? The A-positive blood type diet, popularized by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, suggests just that. Dive into this fascinating approach to eating, and discover if your blood type holds the key to a healthier, more energetic you.

Compliance Regimen

The A-positive blood type diet revolves around the concept of compliance, which involves eating foods deemed “beneficial” based on their lectin content. These beneficial foods are believed to prevent harmful agglutination reactions in the blood, reducing disease risk. The diet is highly individualized, taking into account whether a person is a “secretor” or “nonsecretor” of blood-type antigens in bodily fluids.

Blood Type Origins

Dr. D’Adamo theorizes that the A-positive blood type emerged during the agricultural age. Consequently, individuals with this blood type are thought to digest vegetables and carbohydrates more efficiently than animal protein and fat. The diet emphasizes vegetarianism, aiming to support a purportedly weaker immune system and mitigate anxiety.

Foods to Eat

For those with A-positive blood, Dr. D’Adamo recommends an organic, primarily vegetarian diet, including:

– Soy protein: Tofu

– Grains: Spelt, hulled barley, sprouted bread

– Nuts and seeds: Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts

– Oils: Olive oil

– Fruits: Blueberries, elderberries

– Vegetables: Dark, leafy greens like kale, Swiss chard, spinach

– Garlic and onions

– Fish: Sardines, salmon

– Poultry: Limited amounts of chicken and turkey

– Beverages: Green tea, ginger

Protein consumption is recommended at the start of the day, with options like canned sardines or tofu smoothies.

Foods to Avoid

The diet’s extensive list of foods to avoid includes:

– Meats: Beef, pork, lamb

– Dairy: Cow’s milk

– Vegetables: Potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms

– Legumes: Lima beans

– Fruits: Melons, oranges, strawberries, mangos

– Poultry: Duck

– Fish: Bluefish, barracuda, haddock, herring, catfish

– Grains: Wheat bran, multigrain bread, durum wheat

– Others: Refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, oils other than olive oil, artificial ingredients, most condiments

Does It Work?

There is no scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of blood-type diets. Several studies have found no significant health benefits associated with blood-type-specific diets. For example, a 2021 study showed no additional benefits for type A individuals on a low-fat, vegan diet compared to other blood types. Similarly, a 2018 study found no link between blood type and the likelihood of developing heart disease based on diet.

However, a 2014 study suggested that adherence to the A-positive blood type diet could reduce BMI, blood pressure, serum triglycerides, and cholesterol. These benefits were not found to be directly influenced by blood type.


While no specific risks have been identified, the A-positive blood type diet is restrictive and may be challenging to follow. Ensuring broad-based nutrition from a variety of foods, including protein sources, is crucial.

What is special about A+ blood?

A-positive blood includes certain antigens and the Rh factor, making it a common blood type, particularly in 32% of South Africans. This prevalence makes it easier to find or donate for transfusions.

Can blood type A eat sugar?

The diet recommends avoiding refined sugar, a common recommendation in many nutrition plans for overall health benefits.

The A-positive blood type diet may promote weight loss and health improvements due to its restrictive nature and elimination of unhealthy foods. However, there is no scientific evidence linking blood type to dietary needs. For those considering this diet, ensuring nutritional balance and consulting a healthcare professional for personalised advice is essential.