Open Streets: exploring a new normal

The participants of #Bike2Work challenge on 28 September.

With fuel prices at an all-time high during Transport Month, many might appreciate what will happen in Woodstock on 28 October 2018. Open Streets will declare a particular street closed off to cars but open to anything and everything else.

Open Streets Woodstock will allow people to have the streets back as a space for walking, cycling and skating. Children will be able to play without their parents worrying about cars while they socialise. This way a “new normal” where reality is suspended is explored and the fear of traffic is non-existent.

Open Streets is an NPO on a mission to bridge the gap in society while encouraging them to reconsider how they get around from place to place. They have teamed up with Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative, the City of Cape Town, WWF Nedbank Green Trust and many helping hands in the form of volunteers and friends.

This month their #Bike2Work challenge, which consists of dozens of people cycling from Claremont or Gugulethu into the Cape Town CBD, will take place every Friday. Those with bicycles and helmets are invited to join. Those without will enjoy #Bike4All utility bicycles sponsored by Pedal Power Association and the Bicycling Empowerment Network for the day. These bikes will be on special offer during Transport Month at R500 each.

In the last week of October, street lovers who are government officials and civilians of 13 cities across Africa will be in the Mother City. Open Streets will take them through a week of activities and discussions ending in their participation in Open Streets Woodstock.

The event will begin at 09:00 and end at 14:00, the road will be closed from 07:00 to 17:00.  The route in question is Sir Lowry / Victoria Road between Russell Street and Roodebloem Road.


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